Need a fun New Year’s Eve Party Game for Kids? These free printable fortune tellers will keep kids entertained for hours!
New Year’s Eve is one of those either-or holidays. It can either turn out to be a great evening or wind-up being a huge disappointment.
Since having kids we enjoy making New Year’s Eve a simple family night and love to host a small gathering of friends who also have kids. We spend the night enjoying delicious appetizers and playing our favorite family friendly New Year’s Eve party games.
What to Do With Kids on New Year’s Eve
Are hosting a family friendly New Year’s Eve party? You might be singing along to Etta Jones, “Here comes the jackpot question in advance. What are you doing, what are you doing New Year’s, New Year’s Eve?”
New Years Eve can be a challenging night to entertain children. Many popular New Year’s Eve activities are meant for adults or occur too late for younger kids to appreciate.
New Year’s Eve Party Game for Kids -> Paper Fortune Teller
If you are looking for games of kids to play between the appetizers and the ball drop I have you covered with my free paper fortune teller and folding instructions.
You simply print, fold and play! (You can also print a black and white version for kids to color before they play!)
You’ll love the easy craft and kids will love asking it simple yes or no questions.
Get the free New Years Eve Fortune Teller here.
What Will Happen Next Year?
While the papercraft is intended for children, this easy New Year’s Eve party game is great fun for both kids and adults. The paper fortune teller will “magically” predict the answers to your most burning questions for 2016 as you select numbers and letters.
There are sixteen entertaining responses on the fortune teller.
Here are some examples of fun questions to ask:
- Possible Question: Will I make the honor roll? Joke Teller Answer: It will take hard work!
- Possible Question: Are we going to have lots of snow days this winter? Joke Teller Answer: If you are lucky.
- Possible Question: Will I win the lottery? Joke Teller Answer: Nope, not this year!
- Possible Question: Is my football team going to the Super Bowl? Joke Teller Answer: Definite maybe.
How to Use a Paper Fortune Teller
- Print and fold the paper fortune teller (available HERE). PDF includes both color and black & white for kids to color.
- Gather players. Pick one person to operate the fortune teller and one to play.
- Have the player ask a yes or no question they want a prediction for in the coming year. Then have the player choose one of the top four squares. Spell the word while opening and closing the fortune teller for each letter.
- The player selects one of the 4 numbers on the open side. The operator opens the fortune teller side to side as they count the number.
- Have the player pick another number then open the flap & let the player choose a letter (a, b, c, or d). Read the answer that corresponds to the letter, this is the player’s answer.
- Rotate play until each person has been the player and the operator.
More Free Fortune Tellers
I’ve designed lots of fun holiday cootie catchers for kids. Check out these fun versions:
- Valentine’s Day Joke Tellers are a great non-candy classroom treat or lunchbox surprise.
- Father’s Day Joke Tellers make a perfect gift for Dad.
- Halloween Joke Tellers are full of silly jokes perfect for classroom parties or non-candy Halloween treats.
- Saint Patrick’s Day Joke Tellers are a great non-candy classroom treat or lunchbox surprise.
Like my free printable joke teller and other paper crafts? Sign up for my free newsletter below and never miss a thing!
These are amazing! I just made one myself and have been transported back to my childhood. I know they’re for personal use but I’m a librarian and I wonder if you’d mind our using them for our library’s Noon Year’s takeaway program? We’re entirely non-profit and I think this would go over as a such an exciting and fun component of our free Noon Year’s takeaway. Thanks for considering!
Meghan, these are fine for free use at your non-profit library. They cannot be reproduced for sale.
Hi! Would you say that it’s best to print these on cardstock or regular printer paper?
I use regular paper, matte photo paper or really lightweight card stock. Regular thick card stock is too hard to maneuver once it is folded into the fortune tellers.
Thank you, Bren! That is fabulous and so quick, too! 🙂 The snowmen are adorable!! We usually do snowmen as a holiday party theme but this time the teachers specified New Year’s Eve so this fits in perfectly! I’ve bookmarked your site – need to spend time with those recipes at the least but it ALL looks good!
This is fabulous! Festive and colorful and I think the boys and girls in 4th grade will have fun with this at the holiday class party!
Will you be releasing an update? This one says “Try again in 2017” as one of the answers. I like it enough to carefully make that 7 an 8 but I thought I’d check in with you first. 🙂
Aveline, thanks for the reminder! I will get an updated version posted ASAP. I also just release a snowman joke teller version.
I’ve updated the New Year’s Fortune teller. You can get the new version in the free printable library.
Char Shepard
ok I’ll start off with my confession- I am techno impaired- big time! but generally when I click on a site’s highlited “print” it does do that or it will send the free printable to my email & no matter what I do I can’t seem to get your awesome free printable fortune tellers to print for me– so like my kids are so used to by now- this is my call for help! thanks, Char
Sorry you’re having problem, Char. You need to go to the free printables page ( to download the PDF file to your computer and then print. You will use your printer’s settings to do the printing. Email me at [email protected] if you need more help! 🙂 Bren
Char Shepard
first off sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you but due to the tons of snow in my area our net went out for a few days– now back I did try that both b4 writing & again after & I even re submitted my subscription thinking maybe I goofed somehow in that but still what happens is it lets me go to the page- I click onto the new years (or any of the other fortune tellers printables as I’d love them ALL- being the gramma I am I want to share some memories w/the treasures– but each time it just goes back to your original page & then back again to the larger page– I’ve tried the print highlighted word on the larger specific screen as well as the earlier free printable highlighted so sadly I am still confused. thanx for your help & patience
Hey Char! On the free printables page you need to click on the second link under the picture that says “download” not the first link that says “view post”. Good luck! -Bren
Char Shepard
AHHHHH now I get it– thank you so very much for ALL your help!! so glad to get them downloaded – grandkids will be happy happy happy :O) Thanks again for all your help & the AWESOME handouts & future memories w/the treasures :O)