All signs point to a happy Valentine’s day with these Magic 8 ball free printable Valentine’s Cards. This quick Valentine papercraft uses simple supplies including black and white card stock, a printer or Silhouette cutter, and black scrapbooking brads.
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The Magic Eight Ball
Did you ever have a Magic Eight Ball? It’s a wacky plastic toy filed with mysterious blue liquid that “answers” yes-no questions when it is turned over. My college roommate and I had one that we enjoyed asking about our future love lives. It must have worked, we’ve both been happily married to our husbands for more than 15 years!
The Magic 8 Ball was developed in the 1950s and is still manufactured by Mattel. Legend has it that the “8 ball” design comes from a Three Stooge’s skit where they call an actual eight ball (the kind from a pool table) a “magic ball.”
Do you remember the 20 classic Magic 8 ball answers? They are:
- It is certain
- It is decidedly so
- Without a doubt
- Yes definitely
- You may rely on it
- As I see it, yes
- Most likely
- Outlook good
- Yes
- Signs point to yes
- Reply hazy try again
- Ask again later
- Better not tell you now
- Cannot predict now
- Concentrate and ask again
- Don’t count on it
- My reply is no
- My sources say no
- Outlook not so good
- Very doubtful
Valentines for Older Kids
These free Magic 8 ball Valentine cards delight older kids. They proclaim, “I predict a GREAT Valentine’s day” with a cute pivoting design. My sixth grader and I designed these cards to appeal to his older (but still Valentine loving) classmates.
We attached a Magic 8 ball pen to the cards so classmates could have fun predicating the future for one another. The pens rotate through 6 different answers with each click. The pen’s answers include:
- Try again
- Absolutely
- Doubt it
- Answer is unclear
- No Way
- Sounds good
Want a gift to attach to your cards? Check out these Magic 8 Ball Pens or Magic 8 Ball Key Chains.
There will “Absolutely” be some happy kids with these fun Valentines!
How to Make Magic 8 Ball Valentines
If you can cut and glue you can make these fun Valentines. They’re really that simple!
- Free printable pattern or Silhouette cut file zip.
- Black and white cardstock
- Small black round brads
- Print the card phrases on white cardstock. Print the Magic 8 ball front and back on black card stock. Cut out all shapes.
- Glue the white phrase to the black back cover. Make sure the white circle is centered in the black circle.
- Line up the top cover over the glued-together layers, make sure you can see the “8” but none of the other text.
- Use a metal stylus or sharp tool to punch a hole through all three pieces of paper. The hole should be midway down the left side of the front and back. Use a small black scrapbooking brad to attach the cover to the card. Open the tabs of the brad and flatten it against the back of the card. This secures the card together and allows the cover to pivot in a full circle.
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